Design, reverse engineer

Living On the Edge



This advertisement, for Petzl’s brand of rock climbing gear, was created by Ira Achsen.  As you can see I added two pictures, one with the advertisement and the original image.  I did this because of a comment on Archsen’s site made by Michal Karcz stating that the background was his and permission should’ve been asked.  I did indeed discover that the image on the right was created by Karcz.  Thus I decided to give both individuals credit; one for the image and the other for their utilization of the image into an add even though done illegally.  As you can see between the images Archsen cropped, made it black and white and did some photo manipulation creating a different type of visual interest for the advertisement.

Archsen is well educated and has a bachelors degree in English literature and political science and has also taken an advertising copywriting program.  Street art, street food, fitness, rock climbing, playing music and waxing nostalgic are some of the things Achsen enjoys.

Karcz went to the High School of Art and School of Commercial Advertising.  He has become a graphic designer, painter and photographer; he has quite the skill with photo manipulation as well.  Karcz has also created designs for approximately 70 CD covers, 30 book covers and has had experience with designing posters and collaborating with advertising agencies and poster publishers.

Both individuals have great credentials and both understand the principles of design, however, as I looked through their sites it seems to indicate that Karcz has been more involved with design.

Karcz’s sites: and

Achesen’s site:


Within this advertisement there are multiple elements of contrast.  First there is the use of red to create contrast with the grays and blacks for the Petzl logo, turning it into the focal point.  As your eyes move from the logo you see the contrast between the dark cliffs and the light gray background.  This leads you up to a lighter use of contrast with the white wording against the same light gray background behind the cliffs.  The red forward slash provides nice contrast between the words so they don’t run into each other.  From the words you see the contrast of the dark silhouette of the two individuals standing at the cliffs edge.


The color red is utilized for the logo, the statement that goes along with it and for the use to separate the two words.  Once you get past the red you find yourself looking at the repetition of the cliffs and the mountains that show up in the mist between the cliffs.  Repetition was also utilized with the individuals within the advertisement.


Archsen made strong connections between all the elements he added to the background image.  You can see that the Petzl has a right alignment and lines up nicely with the edge of the advertisement.  The tops of the life elevated is aligned with the top of Petzl and with the white wording  creating connections between the text.    Moving to the individuals you can see that they are lined up at the same hight and with the words above them giving them a connection with each other and with the wording above them.


A relationship is established between Petzl and life elevated due to their proximity.  Another one is created with the trapped/free wording and the cliffs, indicating that some may believe they are trapped due to the lack of connection between the two cliffs; where as others feel they are free as they can climb down one cliff and up the other.  The proximity between the individuals implies that they hiked to the edge of the cliff together.  The depth of the canyon is shown through the distance, or lack of proximity, between the bottom of the advertisement and the individuals.


There is very little color utilized within the advertisement, yet it is used effectively.  The red color seems to indicate a bit of danger, with the cliffs, and strength with the power of rock climbing.  It also is used to help make the brand of the rock climbing gear the main focal point within the advertisement.  It is also used to to separate the words trapped and free thus indicating the difference between those who rock clime (feeling free) and those who don’t (feeling trapped).


Though this advertisement is simple it stands strong.  The design principles (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity and color) are all intertwined in such a way that strengthens the statement brought about by the advertisement and leads they eye to the important areas within it.  Archsen present a great design and Karcz shows his artistic skill within the image.